In the beginning of “Lamb to the Slaughter” a women named Mary Maloney is waiting for her husband to come home from work. It seems as she already wants him to be home because “Now and again she would glance up at the clock” (page 1) maybe she would check the time just to see if it was time for him to be home. As soon as she sees her husband come home she “kiss him as he came in” (page 1) Marry must be really in love with her husband. It’s the little things that make us think she is in love with her husband such as she “enjoying his company” (page1) and “She took his coat and hung it in the closer” ( page 1) little details like those is what make us think that she is deeply in love with him and she would never harm him.
Even though Mary and her husband start off the novel like a normal couple that love each other very much something terrible happens between them after he tell her something that is " going to be a bit of a shock” (page 3). Her reaction was kind of expected but at the same time unexpected, who would “swung the big frozen leg of lamb high in the air” (page 4) like that is just plain crazy. Maybe that is why he was “afraid” (page 3) to tell her the true because he saw something like that coming. Well now she had to deal with her dead husband that “crashed to the carpet” (page 4) as soon as she hit him with the “ridiculous piece of meat”( page 4) on the back, dam she had the gut to kill her husband that was a detective what a very cold blooded and mind person Mary