In the short crime fiction story called "Lamb to the Slaughter" written by Roald Dahl and was published in September 1953 plays a character named Mary Maloney who is an expecting mother and a wife. Mary is an Interesting character because when she hits her husband in the head with a lamb, she doesn’t even panic that she just killed someone and just goes on saying "All right, so I've killed him," then she proceeds like nothing happened and then goes upstairs and starts to put her makeup on again and then talking to herself
In the short crime fiction story called "Lamb to the Slaughter" written by Roald Dahl and was published in September 1953 plays a character named Mary Maloney who is an expecting mother and a wife. Mary is an Interesting character because when she hits her husband in the head with a lamb, she doesn’t even panic that she just killed someone and just goes on saying "All right, so I've killed him," then she proceeds like nothing happened and then goes upstairs and starts to put her makeup on again and then talking to herself