Task 1
Language Arts Development
Eric Baierl
Task 1
A. Language arts classes play a crucial role in the literacy development of elementary-aged children. By learning to read and write a child is able to grow intellectually in not only language arts classes but all other classes as well. Communication is necessary to acquire knowledge on any subject and the more developed a child is in language arts the faster they will learn. There are multiple aspects of language arts that each play an important role in the growth of a students literacy. In this essay I will explain how the different facets of language arts, reading, writing, etc, affect the literacy development of elementary students. Learning to read is one of the most crucial aspects of a child's literacy development because it opens the doors to all sorts of valuable information. Through reading a child is able to discover new things about the world and the people that inhabit it. This allows a child to grow as a person by relating the ideas found in books to their own lives. This helps to develop a child's personality by opening their eyes to the various settings and lessons learned in books. For elementary-aged children the process of learning to read first involves a teacher or parent simply explaining what certain words mean. It then evolves into the child learning to match certain words with a picture displaying its meaning. They also learn to pronounce simple words and learn to spell and place words in sentences. Teachers use sight words to accomplish this as they are easy to remember and understand. As a child's reading skills begin to develop further they start to understand a plethora of new words and their meanings. This is very exciting for students as they are now able to use books to find answers to the various questions they have about things. Reading gives the