“There are four ways, and only four ways, in which we have contact with the world. We are evaluated and classified by these four contacts: what we do, how we look, what we say, and how we say it.” -Dale Carnegie
We are living in an era of information explosion in which advertising seems to be an indispensable building block of the media. Over-production and under-demand often lead to a competitive market where advertising is justified. Of all business activities, probably none is better known, more widely discussed, or more highly criticized by the public than advertising. One reason for this is that advertising has become the spokesman for business. As a form of mass communication closely linked with the world of commerce and marketing, advertising is a powerful tool for the flow of information from the seller to the buyer. It influences and persuades people to act or believe. There are many special and specific reasons for using advertising in its several forms. Announcing a new product or service, expanding the market to new buyers, announcing a modification or a price change, educating customers, challenging competition, recruiting of staff and attracting investors are a few of such reasons. In the process of creating advertisements for all these reasons, language, i.e., choice of expression is of crucial importance. What kinds of choices make an advertisement highly effective is something worthy to be studied from a linguistic perspective.ie the distinctive linguistic characteristics of advertisement.
In the words of the renowned advertising pioneer, William Bernbach, “The truth isn’t the truth until people believe you, and they can’t believe you if they don’t know what you’re saying, and they can’t know what you’re saying if they don’t listen to you,
References: The following resources have been extensively referred for the preparation of the article. 1.”Advertising Language: the psychology behind the advertising messages”, Language in India strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow”,Dr G S Chauhan, June 2006 2.”The language of advertising with the concentration on the linguistic means and the analysis of advertising slogans”, Jana Lapsanska, university of Bratislava, October 2006 3.”Gender related means in advertising”, Martina krizkova, bachelor thesis, Tomas Bata university in zlin,May2009 4.”Language use in advertising: an analysis of linguistic features across readership domains”,Kalev Hannes Leetaru,May2001 5.”The influence of language on communication and persuasion in advertising:, William Ryall Carol, The city university of Newyork,2008 6.”The language of advertising “,Kpolugbo Stella N and Masagbor Richard A, An Encyclopaedia of the arts ,2006,p175-188 7.”The Language of advertising; who controls quality?”,Robert G Wyckham,P M Banting and AKP wensley, Journal of business ethics(1984) p47-53