Believed in Tao Te Ching: The way things are
The Tao is the way, law, principle. Essence, balance of nature 1. The Tao escapes precise definition 2. Tao is intangible, it’s energy 3. Tao is powerful, humans are weak 4. Radical Naturalism Tao is a force of nature not a force of spirit * Art over science art is wiser, deeper * Intuition over logic * Nature over society.
Social Pessimism (Escapism)
Every society is corrupted bureaucracy society restricts you gives you an artificial life
5. Structure of the Tao
Yin: female slow dark night passive intuitive earth
Yang: male fast bright day aggressive logical sky
Yin and Yang are immortals they have a love/ have relationship each person has yin and yang 6. The wu-wei: non-action, respect to the flow of time, the art of waiting.
Opposite of confusious
Buddha is a spiritualist, a prince, gifted 1. Darhma (The teaching)
-what is the meaning of human life? Dukkha: suffering, fight, struggle, competition
- Why do we inflict upon ourselves unnecessary suffering? Tanha: egotism, selfishness, Trrisha: greed, addiction to pleasure Hudonism: seeking pleasure over pain. Seeking pleasure is a very sophisticated trap any addiction Is loss of freedom. You become a slave of your pleasure
- What to do? Anatta: abstinence, restrained. No to any excessive pleasure. The art of no.
- What is the goal? Anicca: liberation from addiction
2. The eight fold Noble Path:
- Panna: wisdom 1. Understanding 2. Purpose
- sila : conflict 3. Speech 4. Behavior
Five moral rules: do not kill, steal, adultry, drugs, gossips
Have consistancy in your morality, hypocracy corrupts you, don’t live a double life, fake identity
Steps 1-5 are for normal people 6-8 are for monks or nuns
- Samadhi: Contemplation 6. Effort you control your body, physical needs, tell body when to sleep and eat 7. thoughtfulness control your emotions 8. Dhayana: deep meditation: control