ECE 411
I- Introduction
The goal of this project is to design an AC-DC converter to power a personal Laptop computer. Chargers are a costly component of laptop computer. This project will implement a design that will lower the cost of the charger.
II- Application and Economic Issues
The designed AC-DC converter would many functions and benefits. 1. Functions • Convert 120 V AC voltage to 18.5 V DC voltage • Supply load 65 Watt • Protect against surges • Protect against voltage spike 2. Benefits • Low cost • Safety of laptop
III- Application Design Requirement
The design of the laptop charger would require the use simulation software. In this project we will bee using PSIM software.
IV- Theory of the Design
The laptop charger would be designed using a single phase transformer and a rectifier circuit with filter.
1. Transformer
We will use a step down transformer with the specification listed in the table below. The transformer is designed to connect in series for AC-DC converter design. It is needed to input at 120 Vdc, and output at 25 Vdc. It is about a 4:1 step down.
|Style |Secondary |In Parallel |In Series |Height |Width |Depth |Mounting |
| |Each winding | | |(cm) |(cm) |(cm) |(cm) |
|LHV |12V at 4-8A |12V at 16A |25V at 8A |4(3/16) |3(1/2) |3(5/8) |2(3/4)*3 |
2. Rectifier circuit
A full wave rectifier in a bridge configuration will be used. The rectifier circuit will be composed of 4