Born on February 7, 1767 in Wisconsin, to pioneering parents, Laura was born a pioneer. She loved to run around the prairie, always with two pigtails in her hair. Laura had a sister whothat was two years older than she was, but Mary was nothing like Laura. Mary was quiet and polite; Laura was the opposite. When Laura was just two, her parents decided to move, for the first time in young Laura’s life, setting the pioneering motive in young Laura. After that, the family was always on the move, settling for some time in …show more content…
She was living with her three sisters, now in Dakota Territory, Mary, Carrie, who was four years younger than Laura, and Grace. Then, when Laurashe was fifteen, a man named Louis Bouchie came to ask if she would like to teach. Since Mary had gone blind after a bad illness, Laura agreed to take the job to help pay for the school of the blind. Some of the her students were older than she was, and the Bouchies were mean and cruel! LauraShe was terribly homesick. During that time, many people, like the Ingalls’, were going west to claim land. After a long life, Laura died on February 10, 1957, when she was 90 years old. By then she had married Almanzo Wilder, on August 25, 1885, and had a baby girl, Rose, who was born December 5,