In Vermont the bill states that any person who intends to discharge waste into the waters of the state or who intends to discharge into an injection well or who intends to discharge into any publicly owned treatment works any waste which interferes which passes through without treatment, or is otherwise incompatible with that works or would have a substantial adverse effect on that works or on water quality shall make application to the secretary for a discharge permit. Application shall be made on a form prescribed by the secretary. An applicant shall pay an application fee.
In reviewing all the documents including the one in Middlefield I found it odd that Act 13 clearly violates the Pennsylvania constitution and makes it impossible to carry out the responsibilities of elected office. In New York there was an attempt to ban fracking but given the evidence from legislation they were not violating any laws and they do not frustrate the state’s interest in regulating the method and manner.
The study focuses on shale gas exploration, because shale gas is the type of unconventional gas most discussed and contentious currently. Also, compared to tight gas and coal bed methane, relatively less experience exists in Europe for shale formations as new source of natural gas. The focus on exploration is due to the stage of projects in Europe. No commercial scale shale gas exploitation has taken place yet and it is only expected in a few years’ time. Nevertheless, this study also takes into account a possible future production phase and especially analyses legal issues especially related to the transfer from exploration to production stage.
As regards areas of law to be studied, the focus is the "core"