U. S. energy needs.
Finding more energy sources including oil and natural gas will help to meet the energy demand and help provide our country with reliable fuel supplies. The prediction is that oil and natural gas will continue to provide more than half of the energy needs for American consumers even as alternative and renewable energy sources expand. We have been drilling for years but the discovery of different methods to get gas out of the ground such as hydraulic fracturing. Hydraulic fracturing is enabling the development of unconventional domestic oil resources. Rapid expansion of fracturing with the growing complaints of well water contamination and water quality problems given to this process has requests for more state and federal regulations over hydraulic fracturing. According to …show more content…
Another concern with the potential contamination of drinking water wells from surface activities. Leaky surface impoundments, accidental spills, or careless surface disposal of drilling fluids at the natural gas production site could increase the risk of contaminating the nearby water well. Still more concerns involve the management of storage, treatment, and disposal of water produced in the fracturing process. Broader environmental issues associated with geographically expanding development of unconventional gas resources include water withdrawals from streams, lakes and aquifer; potential air quality impacts; and land use