One can declare their life happy or unhappy; those who declare their life happy attract such felicity into their own lives, vice versa. How can one attract a blissful lifestyle? Can positive thinking, if used correctly, change one’s life? Chiefly, with possibilities of attracting a positive life, why don’t others take advantage of such attractions? To satisfy the previous questions, I have conducted a research that has led me to a house of a thousand doors. After carefully opening one door at a time I’ve found the knowledge of Law of Attraction to be vital in attracting a positive lifestyle.
The intention of this research on Law of Attraction is to bring about the idea, as famously stated by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer, self-help author and motivational speaker, “Change your thoughts- change your life...” Most people live day to day feeling stuck in the life they’ve subconsciously created rather than molding their lives through the most compelling law in the world, the Law of Attraction. With accurate knowledge of Law of Attraction, precise techniques and procedures of applying Law of Attraction, and a positive mindset I believe anyone can change their lives for the better. To support my thesis, First, I will define Law of Attraction and its relevance to my research on positive living. Second, I will discuss literature ranging from religious scriptures to self-improvement books along with the authors’ credibility and their relevance to my research. Additionally I will give a brief history and explanation on Law of Attraction. Next, I will be combining spiritual levels with the science of Law of Attraction. I will complete this by discussing positive psychology, energy of atoms, religious and spiritual ties to science. Then, in the body of my research I will include field research conducted in spite of correctly applying the Law of Attraction. Finally, I will combine the theories and ideas presented, followed
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