About two months later Christmas was right around the corner so they went toy shopping. After going to California Toyland Co. they had gotten every toy imaginable for $83.20. This was their first Christmas as a family and it was very memorable.
As Lawrence Jr. was getting older they began to look into schools for him to attend. They decided on Palisades School for Boys costing $1250.00. Lawrence was six and absolutely loved going to school and learning new things. He was growing up so quickly and less than a year later he was learning to ride a bike. So his parents went to City Bicycle Co. and bought him a bike for $52.5-.
Five years later Lawrence was in his awkward stage and he began to misbehave so his parents sent him off to Columbia Military Academy for $2150.00.
After going there he grew out of his bad habits and became a great young man with ambition. At the age of 18 his dad bought him a new car as a gift for graduating. His car was from Hollywood Cadillac for $3000.00. He absolutely loved his car! He went to go pimp it out with tinted window and a new stereo from Auto Repair Co. for $388.76. That same year Lawrence was accepted to Standford University and went there straight out of high school. His dad financially supported him in college paying for his tuition that costs …show more content…
Since Lawrence had left his dad had become alone without his best man there to keep him company.
But instead of him turning to his wife for comfort he went elsewhere. He began to have an affair. He took his mistress to nice fancy places. Even all the way to France, spending from $585 to $5000 on her, buying her things from French Line Ile de France and Banque de France. He continued to buy her thins such as flowers, but not just any flowers the expensive ones costing from $76.50-$312.75! This affair was becoming very serious, but he was still deeply in love with his wife. He didn’t want to leave her but he wanted to continue his affair. Lawrence ended up hiring a contractor to build his house. He went to Riviera Height Land Co. spending $56000 to build his house, along with $22000 for Renaissance Interior Decorations. He was head over heels for this woman and wanted to give her the
Little did he know Diana was doing some investigating and when she found out what was going on she lost it! Things just went south from there she wanted absolutely nothing to do with him. He tried apologizing and bought her a ring from Beverly Diamond and Gift Shoppe for $678.45 but she was not having it. He even tried wooing her with a cruise from Hawaii Steamship Co but she was not budging. They eventually went on to get a divorce. The timing of their divorce was extremely awkward because their son’s wedding was right around the corner. He was getting marries to a nice young gal name Marie. So Lawrence wrote him a check for $200,000 as a wedding gift. He even played for their stay at their hotel on their honeymoon, at the Ambassador Hotel for $2,250. Even though he and Diana were no longer together he still would send her flowers from University Club Florists for $183.50. At this point Lawrence Sr. is becoming old and is only using his checkbook to support his son so he just gives it to him. His son is having a great lovely life with his beautiful wife. He got her chocolates for Valentine’s Day and took her out to a nice place to eat. He buys her gowns just because he wants to see her happy and takes her to get lingerie from Anita Lingerie for $750.00. Later he buys her another gown from Parisian Gown Shoppe for $1150.00 because it is they’re anniversary and they’re going to a very fancy getaway. He absolutely loved their life together and it seemed as if it couldn’t get any better. So they decided they finally wanted to have kids and start a family. They tried and tried and tried but it just wasn’t happening. So they decided that they may need to go see a doctor to find out what the problem was and they heard Tony Spagoni was great. They went to see him twice and he ran many tests to discover that she was not fertile enough to have kids. This was truly disappointing for the both of them.
Several months pasts and Lawrence could tell Marie was still hurt by the fact that she couldn’t have kids so he decided to buy her flowers and a necklace to cheer her up a bit which she really appreciated. His wife’s birthday was also coming up so he wrote her a check for $75,000 and told her to go on a shopping spree. This made her forget about all her worries at the moment. After a while they decided to make two more trips to Tony Spagoni to see if there was anything that they could do in order to get pregnant. There was unfortunately nothing he could do about it which was extremely depressing for the both of them. After that final visit his wife fell into a deep depression and didn’t want to move. She wouldn’t get out of bed, she wouldn’t eat, and wouldn’t sleep. This life changing thing drove her to commit suicide. One day he came home from work to find her laying life less in the bed. This drove him to do the same thing. Knowing that his wife was no longer in this world with him meant that there was no need for him either. He was rushed to the Hollywood Hospital to get his stomach pumped but he was pronounced dead. Sadly his father had to pay for his funeral writing his final check to Holly Mortuary for $1,280.