Professor Goldberg
Laws 310
14 July 2013
Homework Questions
1.a) I believe that Toyota’s approach to cutting back on wages and other unnecessary expenses was the right thing to do. In doing so, it helps stabilize the company’s financial concerns and also insures employees of having a job and a place to work at.
2.a) I am indeed a socialist who believes in equality and fairness of the government. Whether someone is rich or poor, we should all be given the opportunity to make a living and provide for our families.
9.a) In my opinion, I believe that US should allow trade business between countries whether they are democratic or not. We should not practice professional businesses with discrimination and treat each country as business partners. This will allow more job opportunities for both countries and be able to buy or sell goods to and from each other. Whether they are democratic or not is the governments way of running the country and we shouldn’t be involved anything else other then business trades.
b) If the country that United States is trying to do business with is discriminating against anyone there, then we should definitely stop all business trades. By doing so, we can show them that our goods and products can go elsewhere and generate the same quality and value. Also, this method can help reduce discrimination towards anyone living in that country so everyone can have equal rights. Not being offered a job or opportunity to provide for your family will be the worst thing to happen to anyone especially if you were turned down because of not being a citizen of the country. I believe that having taken away your rights and being told what you can or can’t do would be the same as being a prisoner who is always being monitored and have their rights stripped away.
c) American companies shouldn’t deny business trades with countries that practice or accepts child abuse. To me, this is the same as refusing a non Christian person into