For example a car with 1 or 2 persons in it ,the air pressure in the tyres is less and volume is more and the same car filled with luggage and 6 to 8 persons the air pressure is more in tyres and volume is less .
BOEHM’S FIRST LAW: Boehm’s first law states that “Errors are most frequent during the requirements and design activities and are the more expensive the later they are removed”. He says errors are made generally while collecting the requirements and developing the project. Most errors occur in early phase of the project which may be the design errors or the requirements. Questions arise when analysing those errors and putting some extra work can change the phase of the project and if the developer does not know the domain, the project will fail. The cost purely depends on the time. The early it’s removed lower the cost.
For example a study done at TRW in 1974, the errors in design stage was 64 percent where as coding errors account to 36 percent and also 54 percent of errors were not found earlier than acceptance testing. This stated that Design errors took twice as much time to diagnose and correct than coding errors.
BOEHM’S SECOND LAW: Boehm’s second law states that “Prototyping (significantly) reduces requirements and design errors, especially for user