Editorial: “No standards portend no future for America” by Cal Thomas
Columbia Daily Herald – July 01, 2013
“For this reason a man shall leave his Father and his Mother, and be joined to his wife; and they shall become one flesh.” - Genesis 2:24, NIV
The problem for people who believe in an Authority higher even than the Constitution is that in our increasingly secular and indifferent society it has become more difficult to persuade those who do not subscribe to an immutable standard to accept that view.
It is nearly impossible to restrain a people intent on throwing off any and all restraints. History is full of examples of …show more content…
empires that collapsed from within before they were conquered from without.
The Supreme Court has narrowly, but effectively, removed another standard on the way to full acceptance of its right to redefine marriage and raise itself to a level higher than the Creator. What or who is to stop them? Various religious-political groups formed over many years to confront cultural erosion are in retreat and increasingly ineffective.
In “No standards portend no future for America,” Cal Thomas argues that if the people of the United States do not adopt or set limits for themselves, then the decline of morals and standards that foreshadow the future of America will be horrendous.
Through the words and tones he uses to express himself, it is evident that the subjective perspective resulting from his obvious knowledge of the scriptures leads him to see the decisions made by various political groups as less than responsible. When discussing the Supreme Court’s decision overturning the Defense of Marriage Act, Thomas uses phrases such as “increasingly secular and indifferent society” , “difficult to persuade”, and “ nearly impossible to restrain”(Thomas, 2013). Through these phrases, he shows his knowledge of the continuing decline in the lack of morals and the lack of religious discipline of society and political leaders. Using faith-based words like “Creator and Higher Authority” implies that Thomas has a religious background that persuades his faith-based subjectivity. Words like “indifferent” and “ineffective” show his underlying view that previous decisions were not responsible decisions because Americans no longer set standards for themselves or rely on a “Higher …show more content…
Thomas, C. (2013, July 1). No standards portend no future for America. Columbia Daily Herald. Retrieved from http://columbiadailyherald.com/sections/opinion/columns/no-standards-portend-no-future-america.html
TASK 1 Part B:
I believe that homosexuality is wrong and that homosexuals should not be allowed to adopt children.
Due to my religious background, I believe that homosexuality is a sin and is unacceptable. Children raised by homosexuals are taught that it is an acceptable way of life. The Bible teaches that homosexuals cannot enter into Heaven because of the choices they have made. It is sad that children raised in homosexual families will never be taught the scriptures because of their parents’ disbelief. Therefore, I think homosexuals should not have the opportunity to adopt and raise innocent children. Although I disagree with homosexuality, I know I will have to refrain from voicing my opinion in the
Expressing my opinion about homosexuals could present problems in the classroom. First, young children being raised in homosexual families could be hurt by negative comments from the teacher about their family. In addition, Homosexual parents would be angry and offended by negative comments from their child’s teacher. Fellow teachers, supervisors, or older students may be upset because they may be in a homosexual relationship. Therefore, as an educator, I must be determined to keep my opinion to myself.
There are numerous ways to create a positive learning environment for all students in the classroom. First, as a teacher make each child feel important as an individual by letting them know that you care about them. Next, talk to the class about different family situations and explain to the children that even though families are not all the same, all families deserve to be respected and loved. In addition, teach students to care for each other by being an example to them. Everyone deserves to be loved and treated with respect.
As an Educational Assistant, I face these problems daily. There are several steps I take to help alleviate these problems. First, I pray daily that God will guide me. Second, I treat students the way I want my own children to be treated by their teachers. Third, I treat each child as an individual and let them know I care about them. Finally, If and when I make a mistake, I apologize. All teachers and students are human and we will make mistakes. If we treat all students with the love and respect each individual deserves, our students will forgive us when we fail.