*Course Mentor Note on the interpretation/application of the Taskstream Instructions: According to the instructions in Taskstream, you may conclude the task is asking you to include 3 components for Part A of Task 1 which are: 1. ------------------------------------------------- Six of seven characteristics 2. ------------------------------------------------- Advantages and disadvantages for each business organization 3. ------------------------------------------------- Brief description for each business organization
But to clarify what is actually required, you only need to describe the 6 of 7 characteristics; you don’t need to list Disadvantages/Advantages nor a brief description. The reason: 1) the info for your advantages/disadvantages/brief description and bullet list essentially is the same so you'd see redundant work and 2) if you look at the rubric for Task 1, the only metric is that you have 6 of 7 characteristics for each business organization - there is no metric for brief description nor advantages/disadvantages.
Thus, regarding the format for Task 1 Part A for LIT1, the Bullet/Listing approach (mentioned in the Task 1 Instructions) is below, which basically is you’ll describe each characteristic in usually about 1-2 sentences then move on. Example of how to apply this format:
• LIABILITY – (1-2 Sentence Description)
• INCOME TAXES – (1-2 Sentence Description)
• LONGEVITY/CONTINUITY – (1-2 Sentence Description)
• CONTROL – (1-2