Type your reason for choosing your Lead Agent here...
I chose sam, because he has a lot of experience with leading teams, and been in charge of several assignments that were successful. He has had lots of years in the lead role, and has been very successful with the assignments he has been given .
Assistant Lead Agent:
Type your reason for choosing your Assistant Lead Agent hEmily is fluent in spanish and has hadd lots of experiennce helping other teams be successful.
Intelligence Agent:
Type your reason for choosing your Intelligence Agent here...
Antonio has been fighting the war on drugs ever since his friend …show more content…
He will be really good because he knows the area nad has done this work before
Why did you choose to address Sam first?
What method would you consider using to handle Sam?
Explain your choice.
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I would ask Sam to give me details of what has transpired between he, and Antonio. I would ask him what he thinks the problem could be, and if he has asked Antonio what is going on with him, and if they could resolve the issue before i step in. Could it be a personal issue, and should we have a team meeting and see how everyone else feels about the situation, and get their input.
You have chose Sam to lead the meeting. Please provide your reasoning.
Why is it important to have Sam lead this meeting?
What are the benefits and risks of this decision?
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I believe it is important for sam to show he is still in charge, and can control his team. He needs to step up, and regain control, before getting out in the field without the respect and influence he needs to retain a cohesive team. I know that the risk of having him lead is for the mixed messages he has given could continue, but he must take back control of the situation, as well as the respect he must have to proceed. He must regain his power over this