May 31, 2008
Mr. Retd. Cdr. Tabassum
Teacher, Organizational Behavior
Bahria University
We herewith present our “Term Report” authorized by you as a requirement for this course.
In this report, we have tried to provide analysis on organizational behavior of NIB Bank.
We hope we have covered all that was required for the report.
If there be any clarification demanded, we would appreciate a call from you to our group members.
Maaz Khalid
Muhammad Usman Badar
Muhammad Zain
In the name of “Allah”, the most beneficent and merciful who gave us strength and knowledge to complete this report. This report is a part of our course “Organizational Behavior”. This has proved to be a great experience. This report is a combine effort of, Maaz Khalid, Muhammad Usman Badar and Muhammad Zain.
We would like to express our gratitude to our organizational behavior teacher Mr. Retd. Cdr. Tabassum, who gave us this opportunity to fulfill this report. We would also like to thank our colleagues who participated in a focus group session. They gave us many helpful comments which helped us a lot in preparing our report.
1.3 Objective
The general purpose of this study is to determine the satisfactory level of job among the employees of British American Tobacco Bangladesh.We have selected British American Tobacco because this company has a multinational job environment and ensures the maximum level of efficiency among the employees.
3. Research Methodology
A. Pilot survey
We did a pilot survey for questionnaire testing (Vogt, 1999; Babbie, 2004) to detect error, validity and scale reliability. We used a 5 point- scale (“1” for
Strongly Disagree to “5” for Strongly Agree) developed by Likert (1932). The pilot survey was done