Leadership and Power
Abstract Power is a fascinating concept. Babies experience power related to obtaining nourishment and comfort; adults recognize how power affects their jobs, lifestyle and relationships. Sometimes, giving away power means you get more. Sometimes delineating your power boundaries is necessary for survival. That is why power is paradoxical its outcomes are counterintuitive to the inputs. The law of attraction suggests a principle of cause and effect that you influence your own reality and the responses you receive from those around you. Therefore, power begins with and is retained by knowing yourself and understanding the position of relevant others. Reflect upon your ability to listen objectively to points of view different from your own. Influence with or without formal authority is essential today. If cross-functional collaboration or internal consulting is valued in your work, you appreciate the power resulting from building strong rapport (Chilcote & Reece 2009). Introduction Power and leadership are used in everyday business organizations to give a general understanding of what it means to be powerful. Power is the ability of one person to influence another (Robbins & Judge 2009). They can use this power to become leaders and to manage businesses. Power also brings influence on the behavior and attitudes of other people. The demand for power is common among the business world. There is a difference in power and authority. Formal power is based on an individual’s position in an organization. Formal power can come from the ability to coerce or reward or it can come from formal authority (Robbins & Judge 2009). Only people who hold formal positions have authority, whereas all people at any level of an organized company have the power to influence other people. Authority is power. It is power on another level. Power is obvious and understood, while authority is a particular position. Leadership and Power Leadership and power are use to influence
References: Becker, R.H. (2006). Power and Leadership. Retrieved from http://www.strom.clemson.edu/becker/prtm320/notes/power320.pdf on September 6, 2009.
Chilcote, A., & Reece, S. (2009, June). Power Paradox. Leadership Excellence, 26(6), 8-9. Retrieved September 6, 2009, from ABI/INFORM Global. (Document ID: 1753393651).
MarkHeinlein.com (2008). Formal and Informal Power. Retrieved from http://markheinlein.com/2008/08/16/formal-and-informal-power/ on September 6, 2009.