Executive Summary. Thе modern ideas оf Management in European countries and Asian countries are not similar. Understanding thе trend and transitions in managerial work in Asia is оf considerable importance. The present study examines the leadership styles and behaviours of Asian and Western Manager. U.S and European manager have attained thе status оf cultural heroes, and this kind оf status managers do not enjoy in most Asian countries. This research will help the author to find out the role of leadership in success of organization.Thе main purpose оf this research is tо find out different styles оf leadership in Asian organisations.This paper seek to discover wether the Asian management style is significantly different from the western style of leadership or not. Study indicates that personal attributes such as gender, natural culture, age and organisational factors have a significant relationship with leadership styles. This study also examines different leadership styles and approaches of women in Asian and Western organizations. The study found that, European womens are quite independent and quite capable of taking decision effectively which is not very common in Asian women leaders and due to the complex nature of management environment, female managers consider to serve as a better manager due to their friendly nature.. Author also examines the competences of asian and western managers. After this research it is concluded that , all managers and leaders of different countries acts differently according to the culture and work environment of the country.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 : Introduction
Chapter 1 : Introduction
1.1 Introduction ……………………………………………….
1.2 Aims and Objective …………………………………………………...
1.3 Deliverables ……………………………………………………………
1.4 Structure
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