Is Online Education as Good as Classroom Education? In her article “Online vs. Traditional Education: The Answer You Never Expected,” by Kendell Bird an Online Community Specialist, explains that there is pros and cons to both online and traditional education. Her theory is that both options are good, the final decision on which is better depends on the students preferences. Bird claims both online and traditional education offer flexibility, discipline, social interaction, and a blended education. Not one choice in particular is going to be the right option for every individual (1).However Bird does point out there is cons to online which is that if you Another point of view comes from Bill Maxwell, and in his article “No Short Cuts in Long- Distance Learning,” where he argues that even though online education has its benefits such as flexibility; research has shown classroom education is the best option for learning.…
There are no facts supporting the statement that “you cannot learn as much online as in a classroom”. Everyone has their own needs for learning some people do better online in the privacy of their home where there are not any distractions, and some people need have face to face interaction in order to learn. Some people who are in online classes may learn more than those who are in a classroom. No matter what you choose the learning part is up to you and how committed you are to furthering your education.…
When doing research on how some of the main operations systems play a major role in the success of one’s business. Like Microsoft Words, one of the key tools when creating document needed for letters, resumes, and many other great things. Power Points are a good system when promoting your business, and Excel’s is a great expertise of organizing data, graph data, and to develop professional looking report.…
The Quality of education does not always depend on the professor who is teaching a course, but on the will that the student has to learn. For some students, an online course is just as effective and as challenging as any physical course that can be taken. Although this may be true, there are both advantages and disadvantages to taking online courses. An online course may be convenient to students who have a family who they need to always be home with or someone who may even have a disability. An online class allows them to learn from their computers and not have to even leave their homes. An online course also allows both the school and student to both save money. An online course is not as expensive as a physical course, which saves the student money upon enrollment. The school will save money because instead of the students being in a physical classroom, they will be at home and the school will not have an increase in maintenance bills. A great disadvantage that an online course has is that there is never a professor there to monitor you doing your work, which allows you to cheat at any time. Because of this disadvantage, there are a lot of jobs who do not hold the weight of an online course equal to that of a physical course. In Conclusion, even though to some students an online course is just as challenging as a physical course, it still holds its advantages and disadvantages.…
While online classes are a part of many colleges, there is intense debate over whether they should be incorporated into high school education. The advocates of online education key in on the convenience, flexibility, self direction, cost savings, safety, creativity, pacing aspect and access to resources. Those opposed to online classes feel that online education is driven solely by budget cuts and the result is a cheaper education that has less guidance, lacks the social aspect, has accreditation issues and as a result, less beneficial to the students. Others think that blended learning which combines virtual education and face-to-face instruction is the most effective route, but possibly not the most cost effective.…
Thesis Statement: Online education provides students with flexible schedules and the ability to work at their own pace, while a traditional education provides students with the ability to interact with teachers and peer while learning.…
In today’s society we can choose to take online classes or the traditional way in a classroom the two differ in many ways, but the concept of the two are the same the goal is for the student to learn and apply the information given. Each setting has its pros and its cons. Having more than one choice in how to learn is beneficial to each individual because everyone learns in different ways. Some people learn better by themselves without any distractions and others learn better in a group setting. Each person knows which setting is a better fit for them, and which setting would help them be more successful in their classes.…
Classroom based courses offer more focus than online courses. In a classroom, students are forced to be quiet and listen to the teacher or their peers. They do not have many options besides learning. It is against the rules to sleep, eat and text during the class period. Online, students can do any of those. They can even switch to a different tab with their favorite social network instead of what they’re supposed to be learning. They can text freely on their phones with no one stopping them. With the rules in a classroom, students are far less distracted than when taking a course online.…
It seems that technology is growing, improving, and changing at an exponential rate. Technology now affects every part of our lives from the time we get up to the time we go to bed, and even as we sleep. One of the major areas that has been affected by technology is education. At one time, the only option for students to complete their education was in a traditional classroom setting. There has become a major need for non-traditional education because there has been a growth in the amount of non-traditional students that exist in our society. The advancement of technology has recently allowed for education to be completed in an online setting instead of in a traditional classroom setting. Online education is an effective and comparable alternative to a traditional classroom setting, and it can be a great opportunity for a non-traditional student to further his or her education and become one step closer to being a successful, self-sufficient individual.…
Let’s start with what the two types of education are. An online education is totally up to you. What I mean is you can make your own schedule and do schoolwork on your own time. A traditional education is in an actual classroom environment, you have to be in class at a certain time of the week on certain days and you learn from a teacher. With an online classroom, you can make your own schedule and teach yourself and do homework when you have free time. There are a few things you need to know about online education before you decide to sign up for schooling. One thing you need to know about an online classrooms is you better have a backup plan in case your internet at home goes out. The reason I say that is with online education from week to week you have to login to your website and answer discussion questions and do homework assignments. If your internet were to go out, you would have no way to do your schoolwork. You wouldn’t have that problem with a traditional…
One key advantage of studying online is the flexibility of your schedule. Yes, online classes do offer flexibility to study to a degree but it does not mean that you can start taking your classes frivolously. An online education course is beneficial specifically for working students who are required to balance their schedule between working and studying and possibly even taking care of children. By online education programs, a student can use their time more efficiently to attend courses without depriving them of a job is, it is highly commended that the person committing to online courses have a great skill in time management and not have problems in procrastinating they must set priorities courses before having fun and partying.…
With students working in a classroom, they are around the teachers and classmates in a friendly environment at a certain place and time throughout the week. In a traditional classroom, students have face-to-face instructions with the teacher, as well as the classmates. The students are also able to ask questions that they may have at any time when they are in that moment. Therefor, making it easier to get a response back. There is also face-to-face interaction with one another, and the use of networking is easier. For the students going to classes, there are rules that they have to abide by. The use of having to travel to campus can be stressful for both the students and the teachers, especially in the winter time because of the weather. The roads are covered in slush, and there is black ice that you cannot see. Weather can be bad in the winter time, and sometimes it is just safer to cancel school for the day. On that note, this can put the teacher and the students behind on their work. The students have to work with the speed of the class. By doing school work online, the student gets to do their assignments whenever they want, wherever they want. Whichever is best to their flexibility. As for online classes, there…
There can be many benefits and disadvantages to Online school as it is.Online school can have many benefits on learning opposed to Actual school. Such benefits would be that there can be regular breaks that you can take as necessary without being punished, and you can go along with the learning material as you please so that you can take your time on the criteria. Another benefit would be that you can also go at your own pace with that being a faster pace towards the school work that can be completed.…
Online schooling allows me to work on the go; in the car, at work, and even on a bus; it allows me to work from my room; and spread my books, notes, and myself across my bed. I enjoy not needing to worry about lugging 5 books with me to work to do homework; because of online school, I…
The “anytime, anywhere” aspect of online learning is the most significant advantage over traditional classroom (Arbaugh, 2004:171, cited by Brandon & Hollingshead, 1999; Dede, 1991; Harasim, 1990). Learners can process material at any time from any place (Paechter & Maier, 2010:296, citied by Artino & Stephens, 2009; Narciss et al, 2007). For students who cannot afford to take away from their time-dependent jobs, online programs provide flexibility in time and pace of study so that they are able to work meanwhile maintaining the universities’ academic commitment (Sharpe & Benfield, 2005; Conrad & Donaldson, 2004; Kruger-Ross & Waters, 2013). Moreover, by accessing a learning management system such as Moodle, Blackboard, course website, students can achieve clarity about their course information like assignments, test dates to the full extent (Kruger-Ross & Waters, 2013:181). On the other hand, online learning could be time-consuming…