Learning Team C
Jeremy Stamas, Cynthia Wheaton, Juan C. Loera
Lisa Florio
Project Charter
A company is looking to upgrade its current database system. The company has multiple locations nationwide with the main headquarters located in Southern California. Currently, each location has its own database that is not online and only contains the local sites information. The database holds employee’s personal information as well as payroll information. They would like to have one large database that is networked together and accessible by all sites at any time.
This project will upgrade the company’s database system within Human Resources. All database information will now be stored on the new database server that will be installed at the main headquarters. The database servers that are already installed at each local site will be reconfigured to send and receive updates to the main server so that all database servers are mirrored. Hard disk drive space will be upgraded to account for database growth at each location. Employees that require access to this database will need approval from the Human Resources department to protect employee information. This project will not update the actual database software but will reconfigure the software to be accessible across the company network as well as combine all database information into one large database. A new task of nightly backups will be initiated at the main headquarters once the new database setup is completed.
Budget Limitations This should be a low budget upgrade to the company as most of the hardware and software will not need upgrades. Hard disk drive space is fairly inexpensive to upgrade. No new equipment will need to be purchased since everything is being reconfigured. Upgrading internet speeds will need to be considered since mirroring large amounts of data across the entire network may slow the network down. No outside