Tool Name
Tool Description
Visio Export to XAML
An Add-In to Visio 2007 to create XAML directory.
XAML Tune – Convert SVG# to XAML
A free tool that allows you to convert SVG files to XAML files. It automates XAML transformations in order to improve design and code integrations.
Adobe Illustrator Export to XAML
A freely available plugin that enables Adobe Illustrator to export WPF and Silverlight compatible XAML.
Adobe Illustrator to XAML Export C# Script
A script for exporting Adobe Illustrator artwork in the WPF/XAML format. The script is written in C#/.NET 2.0 using the Illustrator CS2 COM Type Library. Although it is treated as a script in Illustrator, it is also a stand-alone application.
Adobe Fireworks Export to XAML
The Infragistics Fireworks to XAML Exporter is a Fireworks Extension that allows you to easily convert artwork created in Adobe Fireworks to the new XAML format introduced with WPF. For those of you with libraries of artwork created in Fireworks (like the Infragistics Visual Design Group), this should be welcome news! You can now reuse prior artwork, fills, and layouts in your new WPF applications.
Adobe Photoshop Export to XAML
Simple, free, open-source tool for converting Photoshop .PSD files to XAML. Also, supports limited SWF conversion to XAML.
Adobe Flash Exports to XAML
A free tool that converts Adobe/Macromedia Flash files to XAML.
SVG Exports to XAML
Another free tool that allows you to convert SVG files to XAML files.
Clipboard and Metafile’s Export to XAML
Paste2Xaml is WPF application that can read Windows metafile’s (wmf), Enhanced Metafile’s (emf) or get metafile objects from clipboard and can convert it into XAML. It can also export embedded images that can be used in exported XAML.
Blender Export to XAML
The XAML export script for Blender allows the popular free 3D modeler to be used to create content for WPF applications. 3D scenes created in Blender are exported to .XAML files which can