Project Overview :
This project involves the design, documenting and building of a LED flasher circuit controlled by a software program written in the C programming language. The hardware circuit consists of a PIC
16F684 microcontroller, ten LEDs with resistors , and two switches.
Software Program
The software program will read the settings of the two switches. If both switches are off, the LEDs are all off. Any other switch settings will start the LEDs flashing in a unique pattern designed by you.
There are two possible switch settings (on, off ; off, on), so your program will run two unique LED flasher patterns. The first LED pattern runs for 15 seconds and the second pattern runs for 30 seconds.
Ensure your program has a proper header and is fully commented. Store your completed program in the 4Students folder specified by the teacher.
Hardware Circuit
The basic PIC 16F684 circuit is shown below. Since RA3 is always an input, one of the switches must be connected to pin 4. The remaining I/O pins for the ten LEDs and the other switch are decided by the student. See Appendix A for the Eagle schematic for the LED flasher circuit.
Construction and Wiring Requirements
Draw and label a circuit schematic showing all of the components and wiring connections before you start wiring the circuit. You will create your circuit schematic using the Eagle CAD software program. The breadboard wiring and components will follow proper bread boarding practices as discussed in class. See the My Class site for bread boarding document.
Project Reflections
Write up a minimum two page, size 12 font, double spaced, report describing three different problems that you encountered and explain how you resolved each of these problems. Describe and explain three lessons that you have learned while building, programming, troubleshooting, and completing this project.
Project Journal
Maintain a daily journal to document your progress : work accomplished,