In the words of Shri. Swami Vivekananda, “Education is the manifestation of perfection already in man”.
Legal education refers to the education to attain the ultimate goal of Rule of Law. Legal education is a science which imparts to students knowledge of certain principles and provisions of law to enable them to enter into the legal profession. Legal education and its importance are to establish the rule of law in society. The decades of history of legal education was confined only in limited universities in India; however such universities were instrumental in producing many of the brightest lawyers and some of the best academicians in the country. Over the years, there …show more content…
There should be more funds for this and for developing research projects and other initiatives to encourage faculty members. Improvement in infrastructure should be across the board, including in universities which still produce most of the law graduates. University campuses should be places that can inspire students and the faculty so that they are involved in resolving upon the various problems that confront society. Academic freedom to think and contribute can be ensured if universities are provided with the necessary physical infrastructure and financial …show more content…
Rule of law in all its dimensions remains the single most important challenge the country is facing. The criminal and civil justice delivery systems are under severe stress. The role of law schools in imparting legal education and developing scholars who are rational thinkers and social engineers is central to the future of legal education and the development of a knowledge economy in India. This can be done only if the law schools are able to attract some of the best and the brightest scholars to make a lifelong commitment to teaching, learning, and research so that they are able to inspire generations of students to work towards establishing a rule of law society in