Brandy Smith
University of Phoenix
LEGAL, SAFETY, AND REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS Businesses and organizations across the globe rely on their Human Resource Department to train, educate, and enforce legal, safety, and regulatory requirements. In the healthcare field, these aspects are pertinent to the success of a company. Many legal issues surround patient care and the facilities that provide patient care. The legal issues are also entwined with safety issues for both the patient and the caregiver or employee. Regulatory requirements are enforced to protect the company or organization, its affiliates, patients, patient’s family, staff, and all that are incorporated with the business itself. Some individuals often ponder, “What happened to compassion in the health care setting?” “What happened to common sense and why must medical staff make situations so complicated?” Due to federal law, answers and solutions to issues arising in the health care field are not so simple. The Human Resource Manager of the facility is responsible for knowing and teaching these rules and regulations. The hiring process is where legalities begin for the employees or staff. Potential candidates for an open position may not be discriminated against due to religion, race, sex, age, or disability. Although activist lobby against the act of discrimination in the workplace, it is still present and a hot debatable topic to discuss. The Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) is a proposed bill in the United States Congress that would prevent discrimination against religion, gender bias, and sexual orientation for businesses greater than 15 employees that receive federal assistance or funding. Although this is a proposed bill that may not affect private corporations, current legislative acts and movements are in place that does protect all employees of any organization or business. One such act is the Disability and Equality Act that
References: (2011). Directgov. Disability and Equality Act of 2010. Retrieved from Haeberle, S., & Christmas, K. (2006, November/December). Recruitment and retention metrics: Implications for leadership. Nursing Economics, 24(6), 328. (2009). Providing Abortion Care. A Professional Toolkit for Nurse Mid-wives, Nurse Practitioners, and Physician Assistants. Retrieved from Srinivasan, T., & Kleiner, B. H. (2002). How to hire employees effectively. Management Research News, 25(5), 65.