Appendix C
Brainstorming Techniques
Click on any text and begin typing your ideas over the existing text. Submit this completed appendix as an attachment.
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Main Idea legalization of marijuana
Supporting point health benefits
Supporting point the negative of marijuana
Less money enforcing law
Marijuana biggest cash crop
Supporting point
No potential health hazards
What marijuana can be a treatment for
Include real life people and their stories
State side effects of marijuana
State how both sides feel about these side effects
How it can be abused
How can enforce regulations against abuse
Less money wasted on drug bust for marijuana
Less money wasted on trying to keep it out of our country
Taxation of marijuana
Boost the economy/help the nation
Click in any box, and begin typing your ideas over the existing text.
To group your ideas together (or put them in order), left-click on the edge of a box, and drag it to a new place on the page.
Paragraph 2- The positive aspect in paragraph one will lead into this paragraph- no potential health hazards- I will state the known side effects of marijuana and how both sides of this issue feel towards these side effects-ending with positive side effects will lead into paragraph 3
Paragraph 3- Health benefits- what treatments are available through marijuana and what diseases, cancers, health issues marijuana can help with.
Easing pain
Relaxing bodies
Help nausea
Forget issues
Paragraph 4- With all the great health benefits marijuana is also number one cash crop over corn. State how this can help economy and with high taxation it will still be hard for teenagers to buy, but lower taxation for those who need it for legit medical purposes.
State what health issues doctors would be allowed to prescribe drugs for and under what regulations.
Also include political figures who agree that marijuana should be legalized or at least decriminalized. Also why they believe it should be.
Paragraph 1- Start with negatives of marijuana and how we can make sure the positive over ways negative
Paragraph 5- End all main points with the issue of law enforcement. With marijuana being legalized the government-federal and state- would waste less money on enforcement, drug bust, stake outs on drug houses, amount of people in jail would lower, prisons would no longer be over populated, less drug dealers because it is now legal to buy in stores.
State that new regulations will need to be put in place though.
Conclusion- End with how government should go about with legalizing marijuana and restate all main points I covered.
Introduction- State all points listed above to have main points for both sides but show mainly towards legalization, thesis, what marijuana is, some other names marijuana can be called.