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If recreational weed was legal there would be 746,000 less people a year being convicted on marijuana charges. Out of this number, 80% were for simple possession charges. Young people with records for marijuana are stigmatized for employment and professional education. Those who advocate prosecution as a felony are facing a 1 year prison sentence and loss of voting rights. A survey in 2005 found that among AAP (American Academy of Pediatricians) fellows, 18% favored legalization, 24% felt that penalties should be eliminated or reduced, and 31% Believed marijuana should be used for medical purposes. The fact is many marijuana users still go home at the end of the day, pay their taxes, love their children and spouse, and work to make a living. On November 6, 2012 Colorado and Washington State legalized recreational marijuana. Colorado soon became the world’s first licensed marijuana industry in order to sell to residents. Within the first week of legalizing recreational marijuana in Colorado, 37 new dispensaries reported an estimate of $5 million in retail sales. Recently, the Washington legislation called for taxes to be imposed on marijuana. According to a 2014 November article from CNN Money, “The Washington initiative calls for a 25% tax rate imposed on the product three times: when the grower sells it to the processor, when the processor sells it to the