There are many advantages and disadvantages of questionnaires and throughout this essay I am going to examine the usefulness of questionnaires in sociological research. I will compare the advantages and disadvantages and find out whether it is can be a useful method to use.…
E) Write your own question. Ask your participants if they agree with something or if they do something. For example, you may want to ask them if they eat popcorn when they go to the movies or if they support a political issue. It must be a yes/no question.…
2. To poll 30 men and 30 women (60 individuals in all) from 3 different areas (streets, campuses, towns, etc) on the topic assigned to the group.…
2 for all others. Be sure to use the “All others” choice. There is no need…
2 Describe the psychoactive properties of marijuana and then discuss the controversial issue of legalization, choosing either a pro or con position.…
The legalization of marijuana has been a very controversial case for decades, with strong arguments on either side.…
The topic of legalizing marijuana has been a topic of controversy for quite some time now not only throughout our local streets, but throughout the local and into the state government. The legalization of marijuana is such a controversial topic because some are for it and some are against it. People are for the legalization because of the great uses it has towards medicine, the money that could come from the taxation of legalized marijuana, and the emptying of prisons because of the releases of marijuana offenses. The list could go on and on. Other people are against the legalization because it is considered a “gateway drug”, or because the legalization of marijuana would eventually lead to the legalization of harder drugs such as heroine or cocaine. Despite the negative comments about the drug, marijuana should be legalized because it would give the U.S. a huge amount of money from the taxation and regulation of the drug, its uses would greatly impact our health throughout the medical field and throughout our own well being, and would help our fight with the war on drugs and our overcrowded prisons.…
Several topics in modern day society cause controversy, but one topic that out ranks them all is the legalization of marijuana. The main argument is whether not marijuana should be treated the same as already legalized drugs, such as tobacco and alcohol. Many Americans use marijuana illegally; the people using the drug range from the age of teens to even adults in their eighties. Marijuana is considered by most, especially in legal terms, as a dangerous drug. Although the drug is seen as such, many still continue to use it and argue it should be legalized for several reasons. Both citizens and government officials alike debate this topic. To successfully develop and argument for the legalization of marijuana the topic must be defined, the history of the topic must be unveiled, an argument must be made, and a good solution should be proposed. Yes, both sides of the argument both have well supported positions, but marijuana should be legalized by the United States government because the facts supporting legalization far outweigh the arguments keeping the drug as it is.…
Marijuana has a history dating back many years, and has been used in various cultures in different ways. In recent years, marijuana has become a forefront topic in the world of American politics whether or not it should be legalized. Marijuana has been adapted to fit our lifestyles and our social environment. A vast amount of the world’s population smoke marijuana for various purposes. Thus, the drug should be legalized because it has many medical beneficial uses, the ability to generate billions of dollars in tax revenue, and would lower the cost to imprison individuals arrested for crimes related to marijuana.…
To group your ideas together (or put them in order), left-click on the edge of a box, and drag it to a new place on the page.…
prescribe the marijuana in order for a patient to take it. It would be almost…
The question, whether to legalize marijuana or not, is not an easy one to answer. There are many arguments on both sides of the debate. When weighing the pros and cons, it becomes slightly more evident that this drug has unjustly gotten a bad rap. It is easy to say that the drug does terrible things and site numerous examples, however, when compared to other drugs it is easy to see that marijuana is not quite as bad as many people say. Lots of research has been done on the effects of marijuana and other drugs and the results are fairly overwhelming. While there are negative effects, they hardly compare to the negative effects of many other drugs. There could be many benefits to the legalization of marijuana, some obvious, and some not so much.…
Marijuana, what is also known as the cannabis miracle plant is badly misconstrued. When people talk about marijuana, it is considered a taboo especially in American society, but it is actually a wonder drug that has so many advantages to benefit mankind. The legalization of marijuana is an ethical issue that has been debated for years. An effective solution to this ethical issues is the classical theory of utilitarianism to help battle the conflicts of legalizing Marijuana. The opposing view of classical theory is the alternative perspectives like relativism. The classical theory of utilitarianism is the greatest good for the greatest amount of people (Moser, 2013). Marijuana has so many benefits that it does the most good for the most people. It has so many to benefit mankind like fuel, paper, housing, inspiration, textiles, food, oil, and medical uses (Multidimensional, 2009). On the other hand relativism can be against the legalization of marijuana. Relativism is moral claims that are good or bad for a given society. In American Society Marijuana is consider bad because it is a drug that has allegedly bad for your health, also for religious beliefs, for the gate way drug theory and it ability to be addictive drug.…
The legalization of marijuana is an interesting issue that is discussed often today. Many people agree that doing this would have many benefits, but others stand firm in the beliefs that it will do more harm than good. Since the government is not doing a very good job of stopping the import, export, and use of marijuana in the United States, they should stop trying to completely block it, and instead, regulate it. The legalization of marijuana would have many positive effects such as greater amounts of money for more important government responsibilities, more room in jails for the more serious offenders, and would end the use of marijuana by teens just to ?do something bad? and try and get away with it.…
The legalization of marijuana has been a heated topic of debate for many years. In 1937, the United Sates of America passed the Marijuana Tax Act, which made transfer or possession of cannabis (marijuana plant) illegal throughout the US under federal law. Studies conducted throughout the years have proven that cannabis can be utilized as a medical supplement. In fact 20, states and the District of Columbia have passed laws to legalize marijuana under certain medical conditions. According to the White House, it is the most commonly used recreational drug in the United States. It has been proven to be less harmful than alcohol, which is currently legal; and prohibition caused a black market to arise leading to an increase in an organized criminal activity. The fight against those organizations is costing a great amount of money and was cause for the loss of many innocent. While there are strong arguments in support of prohibition there are stronger arguments in support of the legalization if marijuana than there are counterarguments to keep the substance illegal.…