Prostitution is called the world’s oldest profession for a reason. It has always been with us and always will be. If it is always going to be part of society as a whole, across the world than alternatives to improve the safety, wellbeing and society as a whole, and to reduce the impact that it has on the Criminal Justice System as an entirety. Throughout this paper the views on reducing the impact, effect, benefits, and consequences of legalizing brothel houses and trying to eliminate street prostitutes will be supported.
Impact on Criminal Justice System
The impact that prostitution has within the Criminal Justice System has stemmed from various sources. First, one of the more prevalent impacts is violence towards prostitutes. Growing research evidence debates about violence against women rarely include the experience of prostitutes. “Yet research demonstrates that street workers experience high levels of violence in the course of their work.” (Selby & Carter, 2009, p. 13). This violence against the prostitutes has escalated to the point that it has turned to fatal, also a high number of missing prostitutes. Data produced by statistics Canada reveals that 63 prostitutes were murdered in Canada from 1991 to 1995, of which 60 were female and 7 were less than 18 years of age. (Department of Justice Canada, see, Duchesne, 1997; Wolff and Geissel, 1993 Lowman, 1997) During research in regards to the impact it has on the Criminal Justice System, unfortunately in some ways the actual number will never be true, although the acts of violence are still happening. There are a lot of crimes against prostitutes that go unpunished, for various reasons. These reasons vary from the prostitutes not finding safety within the police service as they feel that their complaints are invalid and unacceptable. They have a thought perception that the police have an attitude that they get what they deserve and that it should be expected when putting yourself
References: Parker, J (1998-2004), Youngs, D, Iannou, M, Canter, D (2009) Safer Sex in the City: The Experience and Management of Street Prostitution Selby, H & Carter, D, (2009), Safer Sex in the City: The Experience and Management of Street Prostitution Duchesne, Wolff and Geissl, (1997, Department of Justice Canada,