Emily Pasmore
English II
The Legalization of Marijuana
The time has come to alter the way people understand marijuana and its effects. Marijuana, which is legal in some states for recreational, therapeutic and pharmaceutical purposes, should be legalized in all states because it is safer than legal prescriptions, alcohol, and tobacco, and it would bring a lot of income for the state and federal governments, but there do need to be some restrictions established. Some of the authors point out that the people who are arrested for possession of marijuana are otherwise normal law abiding citizens meaning they are being held with murders and rapist. It is evident here that marijuana should not be in the same category as these …show more content…
The authors explain that after researching the topic they have come up with the complete opposite of that statement. The authors go on to state that, marijuana is much less harmful than that of tobacco and alcohol, yet those are both legal today. The authors provided a chart of the effects on heroin, alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana showing that all the risk are strong and very strong other than that of marijuana which all is very weak, weak, or none. Therefore, marijuana being less harmful drug should also be legal. The authors state what others have said about legalization and state that it is not as harmful as the people against legalization claim it to be. The authors calls attention to the use of cigarettes and deaths that accrues due to smoking which is more than 400,000 people a year. The authors then point out that the simple fact that no one has died from marijuana, not an overdose or health …show more content…
An Ethical Analysis of Marijuana and Institutional Corruption in the United States,” Rohan Basu says, “A push for marijuana legalization is sweeping the nation.” Basu points out that there are many people against it and covers all topics on the matter. Basu talks about crime, racism, and prison overcrowding due to marijuana. Basu explains legal and illegal drug classification. Basu claims that there is one arrest made every 42 seconds due to marijuana in America. Basu discusses the medicinal benefits and the gateway effect, saying that marijuana is a gateway drug, which he disproves. Basu compares the alcohol prohibition to marijuana prohibition. Basu explains that marijuana has proven medical benefits and that it does not fit with the classification of illegal drugs but it does fit the classification of legal drugs, like that of over the counter medicine, nicotine, and ethanol. Basu indicates that from a safety and health perspective marijuana should be