Timothy E. Linder
POL. 201
Stephen Chortanoff
October 15, 2013
I wanting to begin this paper with my introduction showing a summarized relationship I share with the subject matter. My Life has always been a combination of right or wrong chooses and good or bad experiences, but my life with marijuana was an experience that was full of relaxation and no stress. In addition, marijuana helped me free my mind and focus on ways to change the direction of my life style. For instance, my mother died from an autoimmune disease caused Lupus. In the past, the diagnosis of Lupus was considered life- threatening, but today Lupus is now manageable; however, it was discovered a little too late. Although, it has been many years ago, I can still remember my father crying, but I don’t think the tears were from my mother’s passing. Instead, I am confident that the emotions came from the tremendous responsibility of raising three babies alone. My father has struggled with mental health problems caused numerous chain of events like Vietnam. As a result, my sister and I were placed in homes of family members like aunts, uncles and grand moms on a temporary basis. Consequently, our relatives tried to seek guardianship, and it had negative results. Eventually, my father remarried a woman who was once our occasional babysitter because I can also remember being one of children that had to stay in the house very quiet while father was at work to prevent suspicions of being without supervision. Furthermore, my father thought the solutions to his depression or stress was through drinking alcohol, but one thing I have learned, you cannot fight fire with fire, in result, he became distant and abusive which led to divorce. On the other hand, I am confident if my father had chosen the holistic approach like marijuana, and reaching the benefits of relaxation of body, mind and spirit it would have been obtained. Consequently, early in the
References: Bello, J. (2013, January 21). Benefits of marijuana. Retrieved from Benefits of marijuana.com: http://www.benefitsofmarijuana.com Elliott, S. (2013, April 18). federal marijuana policy. Retrieved August 26, 2013, from Hemp News: http://hemp.org/news/category/cannabis/federal-marijuana-policy Lauer, R. H., & Lauer, J. C. (2006). Social Problems and the quality of life. New York: The McGraw- Hill Companies. Liou, S. (2012, May 15th). Medical Marijuana Policy in the United States. Retrieved August 25, 2013, from HOPES (Huntington 's Outreach Project for Education at Stanford University: http://www.stanford.edu/group/hopes/cgi-bin/wordpress/2012/05/medical-marijuana-policy-in-the-united-states/ Reardon, S., MacKenzie, D., & Griggs, J. (2012). New Scientist. Drug legalization , 6-7. the White House . (2013, August 25). Marijuana Resource Center: Federal Laws Pertaining to Marijuana. Retrieved August 25, 2013, from Office of National Drug Control Policy: http://www.whitehouse.gov/ondcp/federal-laws-pertaining-to-marijuana