Countrywide Financial was a mortgage-banking firm. They had one of the largest market shares in the early 2000s, when the mortgage market was booming. “No company pursued growth in home loans more aggressively than Countrywide” (NY Times 12/10). They were the leader of their industry, with 500 billion in home loans, 62,000 employees, 900 offices, and $200 billion in assets. Everything had been going well for the company and its employees, until the mortgage crisis began to unfold at the end of 2006. In June 2009, the SEC filed a civil suit against the founder of the business and some of his top management for fraud and insider trading. This came at the height of the mortgage crisis in the US. The founder of Countrywide, Angelo Mozilo, finally agreed to pay $45million in profits and $22.5 million in civil penalties, in which he still admits no wrongdoing.…
The primary issues in this case are: why did the Wall Street bankers blindly trust that the risky mortgages were good assets to invest into? And why did everyone involved allow the whole thing to go this far?…
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the two largest mortgage lenders in the world, lost 60% of their stock value in July 2008. The government fired the management and the feds took over both companies. Then in the beginning of September, Lehman Brothers, another investment bank, had their stock dropping quickly. It was once again toxic investments that once made them money before, but now was responsible for their company plummeting. The government would not intervene with Lehman and they let them fail. It turned out that Lehman Brothers was even more interconnected than anybody thought. Because of Lehman’s bankruptcy, no one could get a loan and everything freezes. The meltdown had begun.…
The report by Examiner Anton R. Valukas identifies what he says are Lehman Brothers’ non-culpable errors of bad judgment and areas where there is “sufficient credible evidence to support a finding by a trier of fact” (for example, a judge or jury). Not exactly a…
How Lehman brothers was affected by U.S. recession: the Lehman brothers crisis first began when Britain’s biggest mortgage lender crashed 34 percent in early trading. Next, billions of dollars were wiped out when the FTSE fell below 4000 and it seemed to be all downhill from there. Within the next month following the Lehman Brothers crash, Bank of America took over Merrill Lynch and…
Many such scandals broke out during the period of 2000-2002, WorldCom, Tyco International, Adelphia, Peregrine Systems were a few to name. These scandals resulted in many investors losing their money, some who had invested their life savings, due to stock price crashes also causing instability in the stock markets. After a series of analysis and discussions, the senate passed a bill call ‘Sarbanes Oxley Act of 2002’.…
The United States of America sued Bank of America for $1 billion in mortgage fraud against Frannie Mae and Freddie Mac. In 2008, United States World Wide economic meltdown resulted from one of many reasons, the real estate market. Basically Countrywide financial was giving out mortgage loans from 2007 to 2009 without doing screen checks on whether or not the borrowers could afford them, and also making most of them out to employees of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.…
Its business includes equity and fixed-income sales and trading, private equity investment banking, and private banking investment management (Leynse 2011). Lehman expanded quickly and became the fourth-largest investment bank in the US in 2000. However, in 2008, Lehman Brothers filed for the largest bankruptcy in history with $639 billion in assets and $619 billion in debt. The main reason for the bankruptcy was the high-growth business strategy. It switched to a high-risk capital-intensive banking model from a low-risk brokerage model at the beginning of 2008 (Lubben 2011). Since Lehman’s investments had more uncertain forecasts and were less liquid than its traditional investments, this strategy increased business risk by continuously rolling over its debt and hundreds of billions of dollars were borrowed on a daily basis. To make it worse, as the economic crisis in 2008, Lehman slid into financial distress and had to reduce its leverage. The Lehman Brothers Code of Ethics is a five-page document outlining the behaviors expected of employees. Without any ethics education and non-clear company code of ethics, CEO and CFO of Lehman Brothers decided to lie about the company’s situation with painting a misleading picture of its financial condition by employing an accounting manipulation called “Repo105”. Leverage Ratio is the ratio of…
In 2008 the market once again crashed equally as hard as in 1929 and Goldman Sachs was at the root of the cause. With self-fulfillment and greed in mind, Goldman Sachs used Collateralized Debt Obligations and bet against their clients to increase profitability. Goldman Sachs progressively became more unethical in their dealings, and the SEC took notice. Goldman was accused on two accounts of fraud because of one particular portfolio of securities, named ABACUS, which they dealt with.…
What role did Lehman’s executives play in the company’s collapse? Playing on the business money and placing it in a market that was to turn down ward insight of a year (house).…
Former Senior Vice President Mathew Lee had been with Lehman Brothers for 14 years (Stevens & Buechler, 2013). In May of 2008 he courageously stepped forward and presented a memo to the Lehman’s Chief Financial Officer and Chief Compliance Officer detailing what he perceived to be violation of the company’s code of ethics (Jennings, 2012). Lee described irregular accounting practices, which involved the movement of large sums of debt from the company’s balance sheet. For his bravery, Lee was terminated. Lehman attributed Lee’s departure to downsizing necessary due to the company’s financial trouble (Stevens & Buechler, 2013). Lehman filed for bankruptcy in September of 2008, after several failed attempts at salvaging and or selling the company.…
What role did Lehman’s executives play in the company’s collapse? Were they being responsible and ethical? Discuss.…
In the early 2000s, the U.S. public was shocked to learn that Enron, the giant energy trading company, had created off-the-books partnerships to unlawfully hide its debts and losses. The Enron disgrace soon was followed by more scandals at major companies like WorldCom, Tyco International, ImClone, HealthSouth, and Boeing. (See the Legal Briefcase box for a brief summary of a few of these cases.) In recent years, greedy borrowers and lenders alike were among those who brought the real estate, mortgage, and banking industries to the edge of a financial crisis that threatened the entire U.S. and world economies.1…
Before December 2007, the American economy had been expanding since November 2001. In other words, the expansion had lasted for 73 months. The 2008 financial crisis was an “avoidable” disaster caused by widespread failures in government regulation, corporate mismanagement and heedless risk-taking by Wall Street. The speed at which some of the supposedly strongest and most respected financial institutions have melted down is stunning. Lehman Brothers disappeared almost overnight. Shareholders in Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae were virtually wiped out. Lehman, Fannie and Freddie, had too much leverage. Think of a homeowner with a 96% mortgage and credit card bills. If the value of the house declines only 5%, the homeowner is wiped out. The total leverage of companies like Lehman is difficult to calculate, but it is not unlike that of a highly overleveraged homeowner. Small declines in the value of its assets jeopardize their financial…
Lehman Brothers at the time had approximately $650 billion to $700 billion of assets on its balance sheet, most of it tied to the subprime market. With this being said, Lehman Brothers strategy focused on the subprime and commercial real estate markets. Their strategy was fully endorsed by the board of directors, which involved heavily borrowing to make increasingly risky loans. These loans took its leverage ratio up to 30 times its underlying stockholder’s…