These could include the noise level in the room, the time of day, and the time between each of the trials. These all could impact the results and data that is recorded. The noise level can impact the lemurs behavior by making them more scarce and afraid. The time of day can interfere with the lemures daily schedule. This Means that the time the trials took place could have been after or before their feeding time, which could make them more tired or more energized. Due to this the results may not be completely accurate. If that had not happened it is possible that results could have been extremely different.
There are also limitations that also could have affected the results in a negative way. One limitation was the amount of trials which can impact the reliability of the data this is because with more trials there is a greater chance of getting more consistent and reliable data. The second limitation was that the time that the lemurs ate could not be controlled therefore could have made them more tired during the