The current crisis has uncovered flaws in the financial markets, which have made many Americans blamed insufficient or even poor regulation to effectively watch excessive risk. Truthfully a price will have to be paid after using taxpayer’s money to save the financial markets from failing, and that will be a transformed and tighter financial regulation system (Editorial in the Financial Times). Irresponsible financiers, excessive risk taking while investing in complex security, and regulatory reforms for “credit default swap (CDS), for example, is likely to face more scrutiny” (Tett, 2008), along with mark-to-market accounting which had been held responsible for using flawed sources of valuation hurting bank’s capital base.
The problems in our financial system and our currency are enough reasons to “make the job of rescuing the financial system even more difficult” (Editorial in Financial Times, 2008), even so the tremendous uncertainty of investor’s who are still wondering whether the means to address the problem can sustain the enormous complexity of the financial instruments
Bibliography: Financial Times articles