
Lennie In John Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men

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Before you criticize an innocent human being, do you walk a mile in his shoes? Everyone has heard it at some point in their lives, and most would unconsciously agree that it is morally correct to do so. Unfortunately, some individuals do not understand how big of an impact this life lesson has on society and simply ignore the common proverb. The negative impacts of this decision are portrayed through John Steinbeck’s novel, Of Mice and Men. Lennie Small, a mentally handicapped individual, has challenges thrown at him throughout his short journey of life, making it even more painful to live. Lennie is a misunderstood, naive, poor, pathetic human being who gives much more than he receives, and is walked all over by all, even the one he trusts.
For instance, Lennie is misunderstood and is therefore treated unfairly as a result of his lack of maturity. Individuals might view Lennie as a violent, careless animal, yet they do not understand that he cannot care for himself properly or control
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However, Lennie had to pay the consequences for George’s attributions towards her death. Due to George’s excessive overprotective behavior, trouble occurred the moment George left Lennie alone. Lennie made poor decisions, because he lacked experience in real world situations (Steinbeck 91). Instead of allowing Candy to disturbingly end Lennie’s life, George chooses to peacefully end his life, allowing Lennie to take his last few breaths by the deep green pool of the Salinas River (Steinbeck 106). Although George’s controlling actions played a major role in the death of Curley’s wife, Lennie was seen as the cruel murderer. George was trying to play the role as Lennie’s motherly figure; however, a mother would never allow her child to reach the point in life where they cannot take care of themselves on their own, just as George just as George allowed Lennie to

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