This constant dream of tending to the rabbits that Lennie has is all he ever seems to remember. There are things that he will forget, such as his own aunt, and things that Lennie will tell him to do, yet when they talk about the story of the …show more content…
If he ever makes George mad he still talks to him and makes sure he can continue his dream. He is so scared of George not letting him tend to the rabbits, that he tends to hide things from him once in a while, so he won’t find out about it. After he kills the little puppy, he is in a bid of distress; “Why do you got to get killed? You ain’t so little as mice. I didn’t bounce you hard.” He bent the pup’s head up and looked in its face, and he said to it, “Now maybe George ain’t gonna let me tend no rabbits, if he fin’s out you got killed.” He talks about how George might not let him tend to the rabbits, and is obviously distressed about it. He then continues to hide the pup under the hay, in hopes that nobody will notice it. This clearly is a sign that he knows he has done a bad thing, but wants to hide it, so that he doesn’t have to give up the dream that has been glued in his mind for