In addition to moving a lot, this also helped benefit Tolstoy in his writing. As a result, of volunteering to work for the army Leo Tolstoy had lots of free time, so he wrote his first book. This book was an autobiographical story Childhood. One of Leo Tolstoy’s inspirations was the loss of both of his parent’s and his genre was inspired also by his difficult childhood. Although, Leo Tolstoy had many hinderance obstacles through his life he managed to overcome each one he faced. Many people suffer from depression because of their past, so did Leo Tolstoy. In addition, to being depressed Leo also suffered from a spiritual crisis. Leo suffered from a spiritual crisis because of the dramatic change in his infantry; driving him to abandon all the meaning his life. Depression affected Leo Tolstoy’s life perilously, he did not get this mental condition until he was in his middle age. This burdensome mental illness did not stop Leo Tolstoy from becoming one of the best authors of his time; this encouraged him to try harder. The secret police began watching all of Tolstoy’s moves. This happened because Leo Published a book The Mediator, which made the Russian Orthodox church prompt the secret police to keep an eye out on him. Since Leo Tolstoy never gave up on his writing and he overcame all obstacles that were thrown at him he achieved many …show more content…
“A living symbol of someone in search of life’s meaning”, was always said after this amazing author published a book. All of Tolstoy’s novel had a rich amount of popular and critical reactions. Being widely acknowledged for having the talent of explaining each character’s actions and being able to define people’s everyday performance, is what made Leo Tolstoy one of the finest authors of all times. The book, The Kingdom of God is within you, profound two men; Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King. On 20 November, 1910, this astonishing author died. As a consequence, of writing the book, The Mediator, the Church leaders kicked him out. He had to face a long and courageous expedition. In October 1910, Leo Tolstoy and his daughter, Aleksandra, began their terrifying expedition. The trip was too much for Tolstoy, and shortly died in a stationmaster’s depot. Leo Tolstoy died in Astapovo, Russia, at the age of 82 from pneumonia. For being a brilliant writer, Leo Tolstoy received two awards; Bosnica and Yochovich awards. He was nominated for Nobel Prize for Literature in 1901, but sadly he never received this award because of his religious views. For being one of the best and most inspirational authors in his time Leo Tolstoy deserved much more than two awards. Although, Leo Tolstoy was judged for his religion he was one of the ideal