The word renaissance means “rebirth”. The renaissance was a time where medieval time transitioned to a modern era. The Renaissance began at circa 1350 and ended around 1600. Art, music, technology, science, astronomy, religion, literature, math, and politics made the Renaissance period a new environment. Renaissance was also known as the age of exploration. Searching sailors found new land to live and people found ways to explore the Earth. Leonardo lived through the start of the Renaissance. He never received the ability to see what his inventions became or how they were utilized. The later Renaissance was a time of curiosity, imagination, and creativity. Although inventiveness was an enormous contribution to the Renaissance, classical music developing and evolving during this time was an equal contribution. Leonardo’s inventions were further improved and were not built to perfection but it was closer to the goal that Leonardo imagined and …show more content…
He was born April 15, 1452 in Anchiano, France. He was born with an Italian ancestry. He was in fact known as the “Renaissance Man”. He was classified as an engineer and did much more than art. The term engineer fit the many things he achieved. His mother’s name was Caterina. She was a young town peasant woman with lower class stature. His father Ser Piero was a florentine notary, lawyer, and a landlord. His parents were not married. Leonardo was not treated well. During his free time, he would go to the outskirts of his town and draw the animals that he saw. Leonardo did not get the privilege to carry on his father's business.Since Leonardo was treated so disrespectfully, his father refused to bestow upon him his last name. Instead his name means Leonardo from Vinci. When he was fifteen years old he received the chance to work with his role model, Andrea del Verrocchio. The training that Leonardo received was extremely beneficial to his future. Verrocchio taught him how to paint and sculpt. Verrocchio also taught him technical-mechanical arts which introduced Leonardo to functionality and how things operated. Da Vinci did not apply himself to mathematics until he was around thirty years old. In 1472 Leonardo was invited into the Painter’s Guild of Florence, he did not accept the offer. Instead he chose to work with Verrocchio for the rest of his teen years. His work with Verrocchio inspired him to make technical sketches, military weapons,