The first characteristic of Cuba that Leo remembered is the astonishing culture of the country. The specific parts of the culture that he enjoyed the most were music, arts , and literature. …show more content…
Sports were one of the most popular activities for the people in Cuba. One popular sport is Baseball. It started in 1878 when the Cuban League was put together. It consisted of three all white teams. It wasn’t a professional sport at first. During the fight for the professional title, the white Cubans and the black Cubans fought with each other for on mutual goal. Shortly after this matter, all players were aloud to play on the baseball team. This was a good period for the Cuban League because it also received the title as a professional sport. It was a succeccful league and one of the longest lasting professional leagues. Soccer is the second most popular sport in Cuba. It started climbing in popularity because of how cheap it is to play soccer. There is not that much equipment needed compared to other sports. The two important organizations are the Cuban Football Association and the Cuban National Team. The Cuban Football Association runs the Domestic League. The league has sixteen teams and the players do not get paid. The National League is for the best soccer players. They play better competition and they also can try to qualify for the World Cup. (plaza, paragraph 5); (cuba-, paragraphs