Go Math! 3rd grade single digit multiplication
1. Students will demonstrate their knowledge gained from the day before by correctly solving the problem of the day. 2. Students will use different strategies to solve single digit multiplication problems with at least 80% accuracy.
Activity 1:
The students will complete problem of the day. The problem will be related to what the students learned the day before and will be posted on the board and they will copy it into their notebooks and solve it. When everybody has it solved they will get with a partner sitting near them, that has previously been assigned to them, and compare their answers and how they solved the problem. After a few minutes the class will come together and a few students will share how they solved the problem using the document camera. They will speak into the red cat speaker system while they are talking.
Activity 2:
The teacher will use GOMath! Interactive lesson to introduce the section. This lesson uses a cartoon to explain the lesson then has interactive problems for students to come up and solve on the interwrite board. The class will work together to complete the lesson.
Activity 3:
Student will complete the math lesson in their workbooks to solve multiplication problems. They may use a variety of strategies such as number lines, mulitiplication charts, properties, tables, drawing pictures, manipulatives, etc. to solve the problems. After a few minutes the teacher will ask if there are any questions or difficulty areas to go over as a class. After answering questions the teacher will circulate around the room to work with students that may need extra assistance.
Activity 4:
Daily 5 math activities. After completing the workbook the students may choose an activity from the daily 5 board to work on individually or in a small group. Daily 5 activities include first in math on the computers, math related books, flash cards, and a