a. write the Roman Numerals for a given Hindu – Arabic numeral and vice versa.
b. master the rules for writing Roman Numerals.
c. show appreciation for the history and origin of number.
II. Subject Matter
Roman Numerals
References: Mathematics in a challenging world pp. 35-41
III. Procedure:
Teacher’s Activity
a. Daily Routine
Let’s pray first
Students can lead the prayer?
Thank you
Good Morning children!
I’ll check the attendance first.
Who is absent today?
Did you know the reason why he is absent today?
Okay thank you, but before we proceed to our main lesson let’s review what we discussed yesterday.
How do we use rounding numbers?
b. Motivation
Roman Numeral Seeking
Do you want to play a game?
Okay listen to my instruction carefully, you need to seek a pictures that involving in Roman Numeral inside the classroom.
Do you understand children?
The game starts now.
The game is over.
What Roman Numeral did you see class?
Student 5 gives me what you saw?
Very good!
Student 10, 13
c. Lesson Proper
Our lesson for today is all about Roman Numerals.
Roman Numerals are not widely used but used often enough so you should be able to read or interpret them.
Table of Roman Numerals
Arabic Roman
I 1
V 5
X 10
L 50
C 100
D 500
M 1,000
A letter of greater value subtract from it.
V= 5
L = 50
C= 100
LV = 4
XC = 90
A letter of equal or lesser value add to it
VI= 6
LX = 60
LXI = 111
Pupil’s Activity
Yes Ma’am
(The students