Teacher: FOX Class: Year 10 Subject: English Date: 27/3/07 Lesson: 1 Room: P7
|Learning objectives |Learning outcomes |
|To identify the contrasting images of cruelty and love in the poem ‘Vultures’. |To have understood that these images exist side by side in the poem. |
|Resources |
|Starter word cards; cruel/love images; IWB; ‘Vultures’; PowerPoint. |
|Starter |Timings |
|Have following word cards in front of pupils as they enter the room: love, tenderness, affection, evil, cruelty, hatred. Pupils to visualise |By 9.10am |
|word and write down what they see. Relate to objective – humans tend to think of the world in contrasts. | |
|Main teaching sequence | |
|Set objectives | |
|1) Address obj/out. Give pupils envelope containing nine images and titles cruelty and love. In pairs, pupils to have 2 mins to arrange under |By 9.15am |
|appropriate titles. Feedback through use of whiteboard. Do any of the pictures pose us a problem? Do they all fit neatly under titles? | |
|Elicit any pictures that do not (e.g. soldier). What does this tell us about mankind/life?