Art, Grade 3-5
1. Do textbooks and other print resources (magazines, newspapers, journals, books, internet articles) include content and illustrations that reflect the experiences of people from diverse backgrounds?
2. Does the physical environment (pictures, posters, and graphics) include images of people with a range of different abilities and body types engaged in a variety of activities? Does it also include images of many different kinds of family compositions and socioeconomic groups or images of people from different backgrounds interacting with one another?
3. Do the video resources promote understanding of diverse perspectives, including the values, attitudes and behaviors that support cultural differences?
4. Are people from diverse backgrounds, socioeconomic, cultural, people with disabilities visible in audio sources?
5. Is diversity included within the lesson plan – making reference and using examples from a variety of cultures, religions, traditions, exploring stereotyping and other topics around equality?
6. Do multimedia presentations include aspects from all different cultures and ways of life?
Evaluation of Unit plan, “Drawing with Scissors like Matisse” by Belinda Brown. This lesson plan was only based on Henri Matisse and his masterpieces reflecting the aspect of collage. The teacher started off by showing the class a picture of Matisse and then giving a brief history of his life. Following this, the teacher showed the class prints of his early art style. The class discussed the meanings Matisse may have wanted to express through his artwork and also how it makes them feel. The basis of this lesson plan is for the students to make collage out of construction paper (including a foreground, middle ground and background) based on Matisse’s style of artwork.
1. The teacher only showed the class one picture of Matisse and