A. Given the available materials, student should be able to:
1. demonstrate how transparent, translucent and opaque materials differ.
2. define what is light, speed of light, and ray;
3. cite different sources of light;
4. explain how the two types of shadows formed;
5. manifest awareness of the nature of light in our daily life; and
B. answer three out of five items correctly.
A. Unit: Electricity
Chapter: Interaction of Electric Charges
Topic: Nature of Light
1. Concepts:
• Light is an electromagnetic wave, a form of energy that can travel freely across space. The speed of light is 3.0X108 m/s.
• Luminous objects became visible because of the light they emitted while illuminated objects do not emit light but they are capable of reflecting light in our eyes.
• Transparent, translucent, and opaque are materials where light can pass through or absorbs light without re-emitting it.
• Ray is a beam of light usually represented by a straight line with an arrow head pointing to the direction of travel.
• A shadow is the region behind an opaque object from which light is cut off, it can be umbra or penumbra.
B. Materials:
• Plastic cup
• Water
• Paper
• Pencil
• Flashlight
C. References:
Hewitt Paul. 2002. Conceptual Physics (9th edition). Pearson Education House, Inc. (pp 500-505)
Navaza; Valdes; Deauna. 2001. Physics (2nd edition). SIBS Publishing House, Inc. (pp 373-383)
Santos; Ocampo. 2003. E-Physics. Rex Bookstore, Inc. (pp 596-600)
Supplementary: http://www.physicsclassroom.com/Class/light/u12l2a.cfm (June 29,2013)
A. Routine Activities:
1. Prayer
2. Attendance
3. Classroom management
B. Recall and Motivation:
1. Recall
“Give some uses of electromagnetic waves in our life.”
2. Motivation
“Let us discover!” The students would pick a question from the box and answer it using their schema, and then they would be
References: Hewitt Paul. 2002. Conceptual Physics (9th edition). Pearson Education House, Inc. (pp 500-505) Navaza; Valdes; Deauna Santos; Ocampo. 2003. E-Physics. Rex Bookstore, Inc. (pp 596-600) Supplementary: http://www.physicsclassroom.com/Class/light/u12l2a.cfm (June 29,2013) III. LEARNING TASK: