Dr. King uses logical appeal in order to explain the difference between just and unjust laws. Logical appeal is the strategic use of logic, claims, and evidence to convince an audience of a certain point. He states that "a just law is a man-made code that agrees with the moral law or the law of God. An law is unjust it is inflicted on a minority that, had no part in enacting or devising the law. An unjust law degrades human personality. King considered the laws of segregation to be unjust laws because "segregation distorts the soul and degrades the personality." …show more content…
Laws dealing specifically with segregation were adopted in the late 1800's by many southern states.
These laws were called Jim Crow Laws. These segregation laws required that whites and blacks use separate public facilities. In the most influential case in 1896, Plessy v. Ferguson, the Supreme Court of the United States upheld a Louisiana law that required separate but equal facilities for whites and blacks in railroad cars. This decision influenced the "separate but equal" rule for more than 50 years.
The 1964 Civil Rights Act made racial discrimination in public places, such as theaters, restaurants and hotels, illegal. It also required employers to provide equal employment opportunities. The Civil Rights act also stated that federal funding would not be given to segregated schools, which were banned in 1954. In the 1960's although many laws that supported segregation were declared unconstitutional, segregation continued to exist and increase more by the influence of custom than by
Dr. King did not advocate evading or defying the law. He did however advocate breaking an unjust law openly, lovingly, being willing to accept the penalty of breaking the law. There were many non-violent acts that took place around the same time that King wrote his Letter From a Birmingham Jail, some of which include the Freedom Walk on which he led 125,000 people on a speaking tour through Detroit and Women Strike for Peace. Dr. King once said that "nonviolence first affects the hearts of those committed to it, gives them greater self-respect and courage, and then it stirs the conscience of the opponents until reconciliation is achieved." Non-violent acts of protest are still being performed in 2005. Demonstration acts and marches protesting the war in Iraq are being performed in Washington DC and across the nation by groups hoping to stir the conscience of the American public that the war in their opinion is unjust.
Dr. Martin Luther King's letter is still compelling today. Its openness and appeal for moral justice is still as important today as it was in 1963. Our future generations will be demanded to obey the written laws of society or be forced to pay the penalties but will only begin to demand equality by moral obligation by our example.