Write a letter to the IASB setting out your argument for making changes to the current system of accounting and financial regulation relating to corporate reporting. In this letter you are free to address any subject matter which leads to controversy, including changing, if necessary the conceptual framework. In writing this essay you should make full use of the reading materials provided on this module plus using your own research skills. In preparing you letter a number of issues could be considered and you must chose at least 3 of these. As you progress through this module, and undertake the necessary reading, these issues will come up over and over again. With a limited world count (1300-1500) you have to be selective in what you write so it is imperative that you hone in on issues of real relevance. You must demonstrate your ability to critically evaluate current issues in Accounting and Finance.
Ask yourself, how viable are my proposals, are they based on sound theoretical thinking, can you divide your proposals into some short term easy solutions and some longer term more complex suggestions . How might your overall proposals improve financial markets?
When talking about financial statements of the “highest quality” do your proposals have a solid foundation in accounting research and if so can you demonstrate this. Do you support the views evident in the “quality” debate as measured and discussed on this module and in the work of Penman, Barth etc. (Penman, S. 2007, Barth, M.), (W. Landsman, and M. Lang. 2008)