I am writing you this email to let you know my response towards this poem. I absolutely agree with the message you are trying to say to everyone how nature can just be better than humans in their own way even if humans have the better features. You also use many techniques to pass this message through in an engaging list of reasons how animals can be better than humans. However, I do not understand why you used the first line of your poem as the title because there could be such a better title that could represent the theme of this message and poem.
The first stanza of the poem is very interesting as it starts off the poem using very useful techniques. The line where it says ‘when serpents bargain for the right to squirm’, the first thing I noticed was the personification used. This sets the theme of your poem as the rest of your poem uses personification which is very effective. It is effective because it shows how nature not being like humans can be a good thing as humans have all these bad characteristics. The third line of this stanza is also interesting as it says ‘when thorns regard their roses with alarm’. This is symbolism saying that people can have two sides (mean and nice) just like the thorn and rose but humans do not accept it while nature is just nature and accepts the fact that they have their bad sides as well.
I am most interested in your second stanza with the reference of a signature holding power.
‘and any wave signs on the dotted line
Or else an ocean is compelled to close’
The personification used here shows a clear issue that has shown humanity’s stupidity in having a signature hold this power to stop what is right. This quote is very successful as the ocean can’t just tell the waves to sign a contract or everything will stop. Nature is just being nature, for the better or the worse and that is what this quote clearly says. The first few lines of the third stanza also has the same message in saying that