Professor Randolph Bynum
25 June 2016
The apostle Paul wrote a letter to the Church in Philippi around the year 60 CE, approximatly ten years after his first visit to them. There is very little doubt to the fact that Paul was the author of this letter. Paul is the author of many of the books in the New Testament and one of the primary apostles to the gentile populations. The Church in Philippi is the first one that was founded in Europe in the Macedonian region of the Roman Empire, and based on what we can see from the greeting and context of the letter it is a group Paul is rather fond of. The people of Philippi were primarily Greek and Roman citizens which meant that the primary language of the people was greek in addition to the official language of latin. Looking at a few verses in the first chapter of the book of Philippians we can see that Paul is in prison while he is writing this letter, but he doesn't allow this state to hinder his encouragement to the church as he writes, "Because of my …show more content…
1:14a). Most of the letter is praise and thanks from Paul to the Church of Philippi, thanking them for support and sending Epaphroditus and praising them for their prayer and their faith. He also takes the opportunity in his writing to address some of the issues that exist in the church that he was probably informed of by Epaphroditus, for the most part the issues in the church is primarily the divisions that exist among them. He addresses a sect, Judaizers, that existed in those times, whose beliefs came into the knowledge of the Philippians and created doubts in some and by cause of those doubts may have divided the Church in Philippi. He also addresses a conflict in a specific relationship that may have existed when Paul was with them, in