Lesson #1: PowerPoint Teacher: Casey Lamping
Subject: Social Studies
Lesson Topic(s): Lewis and Clark Expedition PowerPoint
Grade: 8th
Learner Descriptions:
10 students: 4 girls, 6 boys
Students with IEPs who require accommodations specified in the IEP: * 1-Auditory Processing Disorder (APD), Tier 3 Reading
Students without an IEP who have special needs: * 1-Gifted and Talented * 1-ELL * 1-Tier 2 Reading and Behavioral
Standards (include grade level specific details of the standards):
Montana Standards for Social Studies * Content Standards 1.2- Students access, synthesize, and evaluate information communicate and apply social studies knowledge to real world situations.
* Content Standards 3.1- Students apply geographic knowledge and skills (e.g., location, place, human/environment interactions, movement, and regions).
Montana Content Standards K-12 Technology * Content Standard 1.1- Use multiple approaches to explore alternative solutions
Montana Common Core Standards English Language Arts:
(Reading Standards for Informational Text/Key Ideas and Details): * 1. Cite the textual evidence that most strongly supports an analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.
1. Given the information during the PowerPoint example students will complete a PowerPoint at proficient level of 90% accuracy, as assessed by a checklist.
Differentiation: 1. In order to make sure each student has a good experience I will make sure I use visual aids along with my instruction throughout this lesson. 2. I will ask questions and encourage students to ask questions throughout instruction. 3. I will stop instruction to allow conversation about the topic with elbow partners and walk to each table and make sure they have any questions answered. 4. These