A Christian liberal arts school should educate students by instilling a manner of thinking and living in the world that views careers whether as engineers, educators, scientist, etc.–as service to God and his creation. After reading Philip Ryken’s novel, Liberal Arts for the Christian Life, a Christian education prepares students with the knowledge of their discipline and to interact in a non-Christian world. I believe that education based on the unshakable foundation of the Word of God, requires a liberal arts structure indicative of God's attributes and character. Ryken also teaches us in his novel that The purpose of a Christian Liberal Arts education is to be an agent of the Holy Spirit in the transformation of student’s lives and to equip them to be agents of transformation to culture and to the creation. Experiencing a Christian liberal arts education for myself has already began to prepare me for effective and responsible leadership. I am all in when I say that it is imperative that Christians keep God at the center of everything we do including our education. For we are called to be a light for Jesus. So, how can we represent lights for Christ when God has been removed from a large amount of education systems? In Matt. 28:19, God commanded us to “Go into all of the world and make disciples of all nations.” This is an act of …show more content…
For Wheaton’s motto proclaims “FOR CHRIST AND HIS KINGDOM”. Christian Liberal Arts provides students with a variety of very different fields of study that seemingly have have completely different goals. For example, a history major and applied health and science major don’t seem to have anything in common, but with Christ as the end all purpose these very different subject can be united in their goals. A Christian liberal arts education defines the necessary elements of a whole education and the need for the whole campus to be involved in that initiative (that initiative being Christ). I believe that it brings together those focused on the cognitive and faith developments while demonstrating the need for cooperative strategies. All in all, Liberal arts Christian colleges help young adults become well rounded Christians in the real world. A Christ based education, in day to day living, will help students become more confident in their beliefs, which will help improve the goal of every Christian to spread God’s Word. The truly educated Christian, as a result of his liberal arts education, will have learned not to substitute opinion for conviction or emotional inclination for demonstrable fact and sound research. Studying Christian Liberal arts is our chance to explore new areas that we may have not had experience with before where Christ is a